Is it going to rain today?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
People With A Purpose
People With A Purpose is a youth ministry of First Baptist Church of Marysville Washington involving puppets, mime, and drama. . We are going to Omak, Wa. this year.
Watch out for "happy slapping"-its ultraviolence
Watch out for "happy slapping".,3604,1470161,00.html It is nothing but the beginnings of ultraviolence. Have you ever seen the movie Clockwork Orange, about a gang of thugs that go around beating up people for no reason. Happy slapping, started in England, is where kids with video phones go up to other kids at school and hit them in the face while recprding the assult on their phone. Not just at school, either, but also people waiting at cash machines, or parks. Watch out.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
The new Pope
The Pope is just a man. Romans 3:23 say "All have sinned. All fall short of the glory of God."
To have an entire religion based on Peter is crazy. Peter was a ner-do-well. Bold though. I love Peter, but he was a sinner too. During this whole time with the Pope where is the mention of Christ? He is the only one worthy to be praised.
Don't get me wrong. The old pope was a great man. So was Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, Margret Thatcher (who actually is a woman), Augastine, Martin Luther. Even Mary was a sinner. I've heard that Catholics believe she did not sin. Is that true, my catholic bretheren? But that's not Biblical: We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on HIM the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6. That HIM is Jesus. Jesus alone.
I'm not bashing. Just trying to get a conversation going. Wadya think?
To have an entire religion based on Peter is crazy. Peter was a ner-do-well. Bold though. I love Peter, but he was a sinner too. During this whole time with the Pope where is the mention of Christ? He is the only one worthy to be praised.
Don't get me wrong. The old pope was a great man. So was Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, Margret Thatcher (who actually is a woman), Augastine, Martin Luther. Even Mary was a sinner. I've heard that Catholics believe she did not sin. Is that true, my catholic bretheren? But that's not Biblical: We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on HIM the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6. That HIM is Jesus. Jesus alone.
I'm not bashing. Just trying to get a conversation going. Wadya think?
Friday, April 01, 2005
The Culture of Death
The Grim Reaper seems to be King in this world. You have abortion on demand, teenage kids dressing up in all black wandering through their schools shooting at and killing anyone that moves, millions in Africa sitting in the dirt dying, and just recently, beheadings in Iraq. Now Terri Schivo has been murdered by an entire society, with her husband, the appeals court in Florida, the Democrats (not all), the Supreme Court of the United States, the police all struggling to kill Mrs. Schivo as fast as, or as slow as, they could. If you are not careful, someone is going to come along and kill you, too, and nobody will care, except Jesus. He cares. He knows about the culture of death. He's been there.
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