Is it going to rain today?



Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just writing

I just felt the need to write.  I am on the 25 day of the strike.  That's my union's web site.  That's my company's website.  The two are acting like gigantic children fighting in a playground.  I wish they could just meet in the middle and we could go back to work.  This should have been done months and months ago.  We go through this every three years and it is tiresome.  I can't wait to retire.  The sooner the better. 
I don't think I support the bailout, but I am not that good with economics to know what to do.  I guess there really isn't anything I can do anyway.  The markets should have been able to work it out, but the government and the liberals have so messed it up with regulation that who knows.  When I hear some of these buffoons in Wash. D.C. talk I want to scream.  Voting Republican doesn't always do the trick, you know.  There are a lot of liberals or moderates in the Republican party, too.  (I can't stand moderates.  Can't tell where they are coming from.) 
Our daughter's wedding is approaching, and not rapidly.  It is difficult what with being on strike and all, all being not having a lot of money even before the strike.  When the strike is over I will work as much overtime as I can, probably through the Christmas holidays.
I am done reading "Prince Caspian".  A few more books and I'll be done with the Chronicles Of Narnia.  The set is for children.  I am expecting C. S. Lewis' other works to be more mature.  I have started in the past Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, but I never got through them. 
Have you ever seen Dr. Zchivago.  I rented it from Netflicks.  So, I am half way through it; the movie is over three hours long. 
Sorry I am such a terrible writer.  I started reading a book on writing, so maybe I will improve.  In the meantime, blah, blah, blah.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sorry. I haven't posted for a while.

Dearest Blog,
I haven't written for a while.  Mainly because I hate to write.  I get antsy and want to go do something more constructive, like play my guitar or my synthesizer in the garage.
I am reading.  The Chronicles of Narnia at this reading.  I am on Prince Caspian.  I decided to read as much C. S. Lewis as I can stand.  Before this I read John LeCarre' The Spy Who Came In From The Cold.  That was after reading Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, The Honourable Schoolboy, and Smiley's People. 
Hey, I know how to stir things up a bit and get some replies!  How about that Sarah Palin?  She is right on!  (Now, no despicable comments from the left, OK?  This is a family blog.)  I sure hope the nation opens its collective eyes and turns to the right this election.  If the country doesn't, it will be a different place in a couple of years.  The Chinese are already drilling of our coastline.  And I read today that the Russians have sent a warship to the Caribbean.  Theodore Roosevelt would never have put up with that.  Marriage.  Abortion.  Immigration.  National security.  None of it will be the same.  May the Lord bless this election.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Boeing strike

I am on strike now. And I am looking for temporary employment. I can't wait to retire. What a way to run a business. Both the union (click on the link for updates) and the company are pathetic. I guess I am , too, since I am in both. I haven't picketed yet.

It is amazing to me that people think we are greedy. You know I think I wrote a similar post the last time we were on strike, or maybe this is just dejavue. (Grab temples and shake back and forth screaming "AAAH!" like Capt. Kirk.) Building an airplane from scratch (almost, as in 787) is not anything like any other career. Would you tell your doctor he earns too much because he just pokes at people all day. How about Oprah Winfrew? What does she do but gab all day on TV? And does T. Bone Pickens work 60 hours a week? How about the CEO of Boeing: how hard a job is that? Boeing Management makes a lot of stupid decisions every day! I could do better than that, and believe me I've tried! I just want a good wage reflecting my 26 years in aviation and a 4 year degree. And some guarentee that the company isn't going to send my job overseas. It's good for me to keep my job here, but it is good for business because the suppliers that are being used have extremely poor quality, and we are reworking their products anyway.