My conservative opinions stem directly from my faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and are independant of who is in office and what is their party.
That said, as a conservative I believe that abortion for ANY reason is murder. Don't tell me that what if the baby's head is the size of a watermellon and it should be aborted so it doesn't kill the woman because that is ridiculous. Besides a c-section can be done to save both. This has been done.
By the same token, it is also murder to commit suicide. The Lord does not allow for any exceptions. That means even if an individual has terminal cancer he or she should not ask for assistance in commiting suicide, and it would be wrong to offer such. My mother had terminal cancer. I saw her writhing in pain even with morphine, but the thought never even entered any of our heads in our family to do anything to her, and she never asked.
Murder is a sin.
So, is defending my country by killing people who hate us and want us all to die as the radical muslims do murder? No. Was Jesus a pacifist? No. An example is when he went into the temple and overturned the merchants tables. Jesus went so far as to ensure that the disciples were armed with swords, ancient weapons of self defense and war. Luke 22:36-38 says:
"And He said to them, 'But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one. For I tell you that this which is written must be fulfilled in Me, 'And he was numbered with transgressors'; for that which refers to Me has its fulfillment.' They said, 'Lord, look, here are two swords.' And He said to them, 'It is enough.'" Therefore, defending ourselves, individually and collectively, is right. So, was Harry Truman right when he dropped the bomb? There is new evidence that he knew that Japan was not going to ever back down. To spare many, on both sides, he had to make the hared decision. (In response to David's comment on a previous post, Japan itself is not evil, because Japan is just a political entity and was in WWII not evil as such. But at the time its rulers were. And those in the population of Japan who endorsed such evil, or even who just idly stood by, full knowing what has happening in Japan, or the soldiers participating in the Bataan Death March, or who raped and pillaged in China were evil. Same as in Germany. Much of the population knew what was going on with the slaughter of the Jews and chose to do nothing. That is evil. But not all in Japan and Germany just did nothing, but few did. That is why they had to be stopped.)
Back to the domestic front. A good consevative advocates for a government that governs in accordance with the Constitution, and governs as little as possible so that the private sector does those things which big government believes only it can do. So, charities, such as churches, feed the poor, houses and clothes them. The private sector is much more efficient at these things.
Is it going to rain today?

Monday, August 15, 2005
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1 comment:
Pacifism does not require a relinquishing of anger. Overturning tables is a long way from physical violence against another person. Also consider, defense cannot be pre-emptive. It then becomes offensive.
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