We are getting closer to victory in Iraq. Of course the main stream media are not reporting it, but bloggers are:
Is it going to rain today?

Monday, May 08, 2006
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David, Yes I am. The old monopoly by the major newspapers and the big three, CBS, ABC, and NBC is over. There are millions of people using the internet in the form of blogs called the Blogosphere, including both conservative and liberal. There is also talk radio both on the right and on the left (Air America, which you listen to). There are also publications such as the Washington Times. And Fox News. There is a plethora of news sources. You say your only news source is the main stream media. That is a problem. The main stream media is the left. 90% of mainstream media reporters are democrats. Journalists graduate from colleges with mainly radical professors that teach their slanted view of the world. Most jounalism professors are also democrat. To get a balanced view of the worlds news you need opinions from the right as well as the left. Believe me the "news" on the front page of the likes of the Seattle Post-Intellegencer, the New York Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle is opinion. It is also opinion on the blogs, etc., but at least we know that it is opinion.
Did you know almost every journalist, newspaper, opinion writer has a blog?
So, you listen to Air America. Ok so you got the slant from the left. Did you get the slant from the right? Try listening to KTTH, KVI, KKOL, even KIRO at times. Read Drudgereport.com. For Heaven sake, listen to the left leaning NPR radio, which I listen to every day. You will get a little more balance there (not much).
But you must realize the main stream media is not a reliable source of information and is not the only source of information, David. Diversify you news sources. Don't just absorb what those jopurnalists who don't do any real investigating. They just print what the senators told them to print. That's not news.
Signed, The Nut Job Mr. Lapham
(Try comparing the first 5 years of WWII to the first 5 years of the War On Terror. I mean really dig.)
You missed my point. I meant to say one should get a variety of information sources. Otherwise you will only get what the elitests in the MSM want you to know. The internet is just one source.
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