Jesus is God. He said so. John 8: 58 Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am." What could be plainer? He said He was God in so many different ways. So that means The Almighty Lord of the Universe stepped down from all his majesty and power to be come a helpless little baby, so He could be like one of us. What better way for God to get to know us, and us Him, than to be one of us? To prove He was God He performed many miracles. The best one was for Him to die and then be raised from the dead. So He has a right to say that (John 14: 6) "I am (A)the way, and (B)the truth, and (C)the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."
And so this is Christmas. What have you done about the Christ child, born to bring you second life? Don't let this Christmas slip by without accepting the free gift of eternal life, held out to you as a parent holds out a Christmas gift to his child. Jesus is the greatest gift of all.
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