David Bruce Lapham 1923-2008 The Great Scoutmaster
I love you Dad! I'll see you when I get there, too!
I will post pictures as soon as I find them.
Is it going to rain today?

Friday, December 19, 2008
Things so far
These has been a hard couple of years. Besides our debt
problems, we had some unmentionable family problems. Then, Mary's
illness took a lot out of us, physically and emotionally. After she got
better (she still experiences pain in her abdomen) we started to have
serious disagreements with folks in our church of 17 years. We left
that church. There is much pain in our hearts about it. And the whole
issue is unmentionable, too. So, we just have to stuff it, keep it
inside and not tell anyone, just Mary and I keep it to ourselves.
Then our daughter got married to a great guy from a great
family. Since we only had just Melanie, Mary and I are "empty-nesters".
So we are happy yet sad.
Now my dad is dying. And I am trying to balance job, family,
money, and actually weather.
I guess I am asking for prayer. I'm already talking to God. If
you talk to him, too, for me it'll help.
Dad is in Mt. Carmel East in Columbus, Ohio with a deteriorating
heart. He had a blood clot in his leg and carved it all up in 3
operations, which means he was on anestesia for a while which made his
heart worse. It is already only 25% functioning.
I'll try to write more often.
problems, we had some unmentionable family problems. Then, Mary's
illness took a lot out of us, physically and emotionally. After she got
better (she still experiences pain in her abdomen) we started to have
serious disagreements with folks in our church of 17 years. We left
that church. There is much pain in our hearts about it. And the whole
issue is unmentionable, too. So, we just have to stuff it, keep it
inside and not tell anyone, just Mary and I keep it to ourselves.
Then our daughter got married to a great guy from a great
family. Since we only had just Melanie, Mary and I are "empty-nesters".
So we are happy yet sad.
Now my dad is dying. And I am trying to balance job, family,
money, and actually weather.
I guess I am asking for prayer. I'm already talking to God. If
you talk to him, too, for me it'll help.
Dad is in Mt. Carmel East in Columbus, Ohio with a deteriorating
heart. He had a blood clot in his leg and carved it all up in 3
operations, which means he was on anestesia for a while which made his
heart worse. It is already only 25% functioning.
I'll try to write more often.
"Shall not perish"
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Things are happening!
November 29th is right around the corner. That is the day Melanie will change her name to Hoeglund. The planning is moving at break neck speed.
My creditors are falling in line. Did we get a bonus? Oh, yeah, we got a bonus. But the giant sucking machine is vacuuming the bonus right out of my wallet. It's just paying for the stuff that didn't get paid while I was parading around with a stupid strike sign next to the county morgue. (I actually did strike duty next to the morgue in the middle of the night, 4am to 8am.)
I switched from Verizon to Comcast because it was cheaper. I am going to try to add a video of U2 to the video section here, to the left.
Work on the 787 is ... well I'm not supposed to talk to the press, so I have nothing to say, at least that the press has already said. AAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh!
" "
As J. Vernon McGee says: May the Lord richly bless you!
My creditors are falling in line. Did we get a bonus? Oh, yeah, we got a bonus. But the giant sucking machine is vacuuming the bonus right out of my wallet. It's just paying for the stuff that didn't get paid while I was parading around with a stupid strike sign next to the county morgue. (I actually did strike duty next to the morgue in the middle of the night, 4am to 8am.)
I switched from Verizon to Comcast because it was cheaper. I am going to try to add a video of U2 to the video section here, to the left.
Work on the 787 is ... well I'm not supposed to talk to the press, so I have nothing to say, at least that the press has already said. AAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh!
" "
As J. Vernon McGee says: May the Lord richly bless you!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Just writing
I just felt the need to write. I am on the 25 day of the strike. http://www.iam751.org/ That's my union's web site. http://www.boeing.com/2008negotiations/ That's my company's website. The two are acting like gigantic children fighting in a playground. I wish they could just meet in the middle and we could go back to work. This should have been done months and months ago. We go through this every three years and it is tiresome. I can't wait to retire. The sooner the better.
I don't think I support the bailout, but I am not that good with economics to know what to do. I guess there really isn't anything I can do anyway. The markets should have been able to work it out, but the government and the liberals have so messed it up with regulation that who knows. When I hear some of these buffoons in Wash. D.C. talk I want to scream. Voting Republican doesn't always do the trick, you know. There are a lot of liberals or moderates in the Republican party, too. (I can't stand moderates. Can't tell where they are coming from.)
Our daughter's wedding is approaching, and not rapidly. It is difficult what with being on strike and all, all being not having a lot of money even before the strike. When the strike is over I will work as much overtime as I can, probably through the Christmas holidays.
I am done reading "Prince Caspian". A few more books and I'll be done with the Chronicles Of Narnia. The set is for children. I am expecting C. S. Lewis' other works to be more mature. I have started in the past Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, but I never got through them.
Have you ever seen Dr. Zchivago. I rented it from Netflicks. So, I am half way through it; the movie is over three hours long.
Sorry I am such a terrible writer. I started reading a book on writing, so maybe I will improve. In the meantime, blah, blah, blah.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sorry. I haven't posted for a while.
Dearest Blog,
I haven't written for a while. Mainly because I hate to write. I get antsy and want to go do something more constructive, like play my guitar or my synthesizer in the garage.
I am reading. The Chronicles of Narnia at this reading. I am on Prince Caspian. I decided to read as much C. S. Lewis as I can stand. Before this I read John LeCarre' The Spy Who Came In From The Cold. That was after reading Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, The Honourable Schoolboy, and Smiley's People.
Hey, I know how to stir things up a bit and get some replies! How about that Sarah Palin? She is right on! (Now, no despicable comments from the left, OK? This is a family blog.) I sure hope the nation opens its collective eyes and turns to the right this election. If the country doesn't, it will be a different place in a couple of years. The Chinese are already drilling of our coastline. And I read today that the Russians have sent a warship to the Caribbean. Theodore Roosevelt would never have put up with that. Marriage. Abortion. Immigration. National security. None of it will be the same. May the Lord bless this election.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Boeing strike
I am on strike now. And I am looking for temporary employment. I can't wait to retire. What a way to run a business. Both the union (click on the link for updates) and the company are pathetic. I guess I am , too, since I am in both. I haven't picketed yet.
It is amazing to me that people think we are greedy. You know I think I wrote a similar post the last time we were on strike, or maybe this is just dejavue. (Grab temples and shake back and forth screaming "AAAH!" like Capt. Kirk.) Building an airplane from scratch (almost, as in 787) is not anything like any other career. Would you tell your doctor he earns too much because he just pokes at people all day. How about Oprah Winfrew? What does she do but gab all day on TV? And does T. Bone Pickens work 60 hours a week? How about the CEO of Boeing: how hard a job is that? Boeing Management makes a lot of stupid decisions every day! I could do better than that, and believe me I've tried! I just want a good wage reflecting my 26 years in aviation and a 4 year degree. And some guarentee that the company isn't going to send my job overseas. It's good for me to keep my job here, but it is good for business because the suppliers that are being used have extremely poor quality, and we are reworking their products anyway.
It is amazing to me that people think we are greedy. You know I think I wrote a similar post the last time we were on strike, or maybe this is just dejavue. (Grab temples and shake back and forth screaming "AAAH!" like Capt. Kirk.) Building an airplane from scratch (almost, as in 787) is not anything like any other career. Would you tell your doctor he earns too much because he just pokes at people all day. How about Oprah Winfrew? What does she do but gab all day on TV? And does T. Bone Pickens work 60 hours a week? How about the CEO of Boeing: how hard a job is that? Boeing Management makes a lot of stupid decisions every day! I could do better than that, and believe me I've tried! I just want a good wage reflecting my 26 years in aviation and a 4 year degree. And some guarentee that the company isn't going to send my job overseas. It's good for me to keep my job here, but it is good for business because the suppliers that are being used have extremely poor quality, and we are reworking their products anyway.
Sunday, August 10, 2008

The USSR has been resurrected by Vladimir Putin. How long has it been since the USSR invaded a sovereign nation. Do you think the lefty's will complain about him invading another country? No, because they are aligned with communism and its repression.
And who will be able to cope with the new twin military machines of Communist China and the new USSR? Obama or McCain? I think the answer is obvious.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Vote Life
The "death with dignity" measure is going to be on the ballot this
November in Washington State. We live in a dying culture, the "Culture
Of Death". It reminds me of the scene in the book One Flew Over The
CooCoo's Nest. It's not in the movie. Chief Broom wakes up in the
middle of the night to see his floor being lowered like an elevator to
reveal a factory. A conveyor moves a hook to hover over the patient
next to him, and lifts the patient out of his bed to be hauled off to an
unknown disposal. This goes on all night removing patients that are
sick all around Chief Broom. Then the floor raises back up to normal.
He wakes up the next morning and all the beds are freshly made without
the patients. In the future, (or maybe even now) we will have to sign a statement to
be admitted to any hospital or nursing facility, that if we go to a
certain level of dependency (determined by the facility), the facility
will have the right to terminate life, kind of like an abortion.
And abortion. Ah, yes. There are millions of little extra embryos,
that if grown would become fetus's (it's just tissue), then children,
then teenagers, then adults, like Terry Shivo. Hopefully nothing
happens. If I get hurt and hit my head, I might have to go to the
hospital. I might be able to hear you but I just can't talk right now.
I hope I don't fall asleep. I don't remember signing a waiver. I guess
it doesn't matter.
November in Washington State. We live in a dying culture, the "Culture
Of Death". It reminds me of the scene in the book One Flew Over The
CooCoo's Nest. It's not in the movie. Chief Broom wakes up in the
middle of the night to see his floor being lowered like an elevator to
reveal a factory. A conveyor moves a hook to hover over the patient
next to him, and lifts the patient out of his bed to be hauled off to an
unknown disposal. This goes on all night removing patients that are
sick all around Chief Broom. Then the floor raises back up to normal.
He wakes up the next morning and all the beds are freshly made without
the patients. In the future, (or maybe even now) we will have to sign a statement to
be admitted to any hospital or nursing facility, that if we go to a
certain level of dependency (determined by the facility), the facility
will have the right to terminate life, kind of like an abortion.
And abortion. Ah, yes. There are millions of little extra embryos,
that if grown would become fetus's (it's just tissue), then children,
then teenagers, then adults, like Terry Shivo. Hopefully nothing
happens. If I get hurt and hit my head, I might have to go to the
hospital. I might be able to hear you but I just can't talk right now.
I hope I don't fall asleep. I don't remember signing a waiver. I guess
it doesn't matter.
Real life. It's weirder than science fiction.
Don't forget to vote. And vote right.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Congratulations' to Melanie and Jonathan
To my many fans world-wide: Greetings! A hearty "Hip-Hoorah!" for our daughter Melanie Lynn Lapham and her fiancé Jonathan Daniel Hoeglund! The date is November 29, 2008. Our little family will grow somewhat. We met with the other parents Dan and Ruthanne on the 4th of July at the celebration in Legion Park in Everett, Washington. May God bless them with all the happiness in the world! I give them my full blessing! I will post pictures when I get home as I am blogging remotely from in front of the first 787 in the world.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
So at 5:01pm a couple of guys got "married" and became "full citizens"
of California. What about at 5:02, what kind of individuals can't be
"full citizens". What other group besides homosexuals won't be able to
become full citizens until they are allowed to get married. Use your
imagination. Then ask how far should the logic go. What is not taboo.
Who should never get married. And why not?
of California. What about at 5:02, what kind of individuals can't be
"full citizens". What other group besides homosexuals won't be able to
become full citizens until they are allowed to get married. Use your
imagination. Then ask how far should the logic go. What is not taboo.
Who should never get married. And why not?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
What happens when?
What happens when all the Rock And Roll bands are dead? The Beatles?
Almost! The Rolling Stones? Getting' there. Van Halen? Genesis?
Yes? The Who?...
What kind of music will there be?.. Doesn't seem like anybody is poised
to take over. So, what will be listened to in the future? TechnoRap?
Rocountry (country and rock in a weird mix. Country isn't country
anymore. See Hank Snow, Patsy Cline)? Britney Spears? AAARGH!
There are no record albums anymore. There are no album covers. There
are almost no CD's anymore. Music is now just released directly to the
internet. It's all so hollow, pointless, isn't it? Jazz is like
sitting in an elevator all day. Gone are Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald.
Almost! The Rolling Stones? Getting' there. Van Halen? Genesis?
Yes? The Who?...
What kind of music will there be?.. Doesn't seem like anybody is poised
to take over. So, what will be listened to in the future? TechnoRap?
Rocountry (country and rock in a weird mix. Country isn't country
anymore. See Hank Snow, Patsy Cline)? Britney Spears? AAARGH!
There are no record albums anymore. There are no album covers. There
are almost no CD's anymore. Music is now just released directly to the
internet. It's all so hollow, pointless, isn't it? Jazz is like
sitting in an elevator all day. Gone are Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald.
D. Bruce Lapham, Jr.
787 Quality-Functional Test
Thursday, June 12, 2008
How is it the Supreme Court is able to tell the Bush administration how
to conduct war? Doesn't that violate the separation of powers in the
Constitution? If the SC is able to declare such things as the prisoners
of war housed in Guantanimo should have the same rights as Americans and
that Guantanimo is part of the United States, why couldn't they start
declaring such things in Iraq? What about the way the spies are
conducting things across the globe?
to conduct war? Doesn't that violate the separation of powers in the
Constitution? If the SC is able to declare such things as the prisoners
of war housed in Guantanimo should have the same rights as Americans and
that Guantanimo is part of the United States, why couldn't they start
declaring such things in Iraq? What about the way the spies are
conducting things across the globe?
It is interesting the Supreme Court isn't making big declarations about
the behavior of the folks in the UN!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Day after D-Day
Right now I am reading "The Honourable Schoolboy" by John Le
Carre'. I started renting "Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy" from
Netflicks. When it got too deep in the movie I decided to get the book
to follow along. So I ended up reading the book and watching the video
at the same time. Then I rented Smiley's People, and got that book,
and read and watched them at the same time. After, I looked for other
books by John LeCarre' and discovered that "The Honourable Schoolboy"
was a story in between the two. I got the book, but Netflicks doesn't
seem to have a movie of it.
After I get done with "The Honourable Schoolboy" I'll read
"The Spy Who Came In From The Cold". I'm sure there is a movie that
will go with it.
Carre'. I started renting "Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy" from
Netflicks. When it got too deep in the movie I decided to get the book
to follow along. So I ended up reading the book and watching the video
at the same time. Then I rented Smiley's People, and got that book,
and read and watched them at the same time. After, I looked for other
books by John LeCarre' and discovered that "The Honourable Schoolboy"
was a story in between the two. I got the book, but Netflicks doesn't
seem to have a movie of it.
After I get done with "The Honourable Schoolboy" I'll read
"The Spy Who Came In From The Cold". I'm sure there is a movie that
will go with it.
Saw a sign of the side of a dealership, "I'm starting to
wonder if it would be so bad to have 4 years without a president." Just
mentioning it.
Got Jesus yet?
Took a big pay cut at work recently. So I put getting a truck
on hold.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Hello world! Just wanted to post something. I haven't for a while.
I'm at work now and it is a rather stressful day. But with the Lord's
help I'll get through it.
I am constantly trying to update the music, so it's not like I haven't
done anything with the blog. But I got a call from my second cousin
Kyle and he said if I done keep it up people will get bored with it and
not look at it. So I'll try to be more current.
I'm at work now and it is a rather stressful day. But with the Lord's
help I'll get through it.
I am constantly trying to update the music, so it's not like I haven't
done anything with the blog. But I got a call from my second cousin
Kyle and he said if I done keep it up people will get bored with it and
not look at it. So I'll try to be more current.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Wells Cathedral Clock
The picture above:
The famous Wells clock was probably in place by 1390. Bishop Ralph Erghum, who had previously been Bishop of Salisbury and had installed a clock there in 1386, seems to have brought his clockmaker with him to Wells. The Wells clock is unique because it still has its original medieval face, depicting a pre Copernican universe with the earth at its centre. When the clock strikes every quarter, jousting knights rush round above the clock and the Quarter Jack bangs the quarter hours with his heels. An outside clock opposite Vicars' Hall, placed there just over seventy years after is connected with the inside mechanism.
The famous Wells clock was probably in place by 1390. Bishop Ralph Erghum, who had previously been Bishop of Salisbury and had installed a clock there in 1386, seems to have brought his clockmaker with him to Wells. The Wells clock is unique because it still has its original medieval face, depicting a pre Copernican universe with the earth at its centre. When the clock strikes every quarter, jousting knights rush round above the clock and the Quarter Jack bangs the quarter hours with his heels. An outside clock opposite Vicars' Hall, placed there just over seventy years after is connected with the inside mechanism.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Guitar and song playing
I am working on learning a couple of Jars of Clay songs. The range of the lead singer is closer to mine than, say Newsboys. I am working on Love Song For A Savior. I have just recently discovered "Nashville Tuning" which JOC uses, and makes some of their chords easier. It's EABEBe. But I looked it up on the Internet and Nashville tuning is a lot more involved than that, putting on 12 string strings. I'll just stick to this bit of alternate tuning and tune it back when I'm done. All that fancy tuning is fine when you own about 100 guitars, but when you're just me you do what you can the go to work the next day. I'll post some pics of my guitars.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Ohio State Football-No. 1
Go OSU! Beat LSU! Shut off the first music player and scroll down toward the bottom of the second music player. I have some OSU Marching band songs there!
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