Is it going to rain today?



Saturday, June 07, 2008

Day after D-Day

Right now I am reading "The Honourable Schoolboy" by John Le
Carre'. I started renting "Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy" from
Netflicks. When it got too deep in the movie I decided to get the book
to follow along. So I ended up reading the book and watching the video
at the same time. Then I rented Smiley's People, and got that book,
and read and watched them at the same time. After, I looked for other
books by John LeCarre' and discovered that "The Honourable Schoolboy"
was a story in between the two. I got the book, but Netflicks doesn't
seem to have a movie of it.
After I get done with "The Honourable Schoolboy" I'll read
"The Spy Who Came In From The Cold". I'm sure there is a movie that
will go with it.

Saw a sign of the side of a dealership, "I'm starting to
wonder if it would be so bad to have 4 years without a president." Just
mentioning it.

Got Jesus yet?

Took a big pay cut at work recently. So I put getting a truck
on hold.

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